Payments Made Simple
2885 E Quail Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89120
(888) 325-PAID

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Payment Inc. provides payment software services and solutions. The Company designs and produces software to process both traditional online credit and debit card payments as well as cryptocurrencies and tokens.

Our service is completely different from any other. Your customers do not need to purchase any specific tokens to pay for processing. Pade.io is cryptocurrency agnostic, accepting all major crypto currencies. We are the only processing firm to offer affiliate and subscription payments. Pade.io understands affiliate and subscriptions- we’ve been in that industry for decades.

Pade.io will provide merchants, both bricks and mortar and on-line, a complete, comprehensive payment system. Pade.io is an a la carte service. We offer all merchants their choice of crypto processing, traditional processing, rewards system based on blockchain, affiliate, subscription sales, and traditional and crypto consulting.

For anyone desiring to purchase cryptocurrency we will provide a Crypto concierge service, permitting anyone to purchase or to sell cryptocurrency.

All services are available white label available for brands and business partners.

Have more questions?

Whether you have a question about our services, need assistance or just want to talk, we want to hear from you.
Contact our support team.